Embrace Society was appointed by the then Dept of Communications and the Arts to be the CALD communications agency for the National Online Safety Awareness Campaign. The Internet is an essential and beneficial part of a child’s world – for education, socialising and entertainment. This behaviour change campaign helped to assist parents to keep their children and young people safe whilst online.
Campaign Details
Client: Federal Dept Of Communications And The Arts For eSafety (Now the Dept Of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications)
Aim: To raise awareness, inform and educate parents and carers about online safety of their children and young people, and in particular sexting, cyber bullying and unwanted contact inline from strangers.
Communication Channels: Print, radio, online, social media, information materials, tools and resources, public and media relations, issues management, community and stakeholder engagement.
Fact Sheet in Dari
Target Audiences:Parents and carers of children and young people of school age (5 – 18 years of age) siblings and extended families
Languages – 13 languages and culturally appropriate English for South Asia, Pacific Islanders and Philipino communities: Arabic, Cantonese (Chinese Traditional), Dari, Dinka, Filipino (English), Hazaraghi, Khmer, Mandarin (Chinese Simplified), Pacific Islands (English), Persian, Somali, South Asian (English), Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese
Embrace produced a series of 3 x radio dramas in each language tackling different cyber safety issues.
“Cyberbullying” for Pacfic Islander audiences